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OnItsWay - Delivery Navigation

4.8 ( 3648 ratings )
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Développeur Ealdorman, Inc.

Get unlimited free delivery routes with optimized directions with the OnItsWay app. Forever.

Utilize the the full OnItsWay platform to show your customers where their deliveries are in real time. Your customers will never ask "Wheres my delivery?" again.

OnItsWay makes making and tracking deliveries easy. Features include:

• Unlimited free deliveries.
• Share real time delivery information with your customers by integrating seamlessly with the OnItsWay Dashboard at
• Get directions to multiple delivery locations.
• Routes are optimized to get you to your deliveries fast.
• Get times to each delivery location updated in real-time.
• Choose from delivery modes, including by vehicle, by bicycle and on foot.
• Plot delivery locations on a map.
• Choose kilometers or miles for distance units.
• Toggle voice directions on and off.

Get directions for your deliveries, and show your customers where their deliveries are right now with the OnItsWay app.